Our next Transylvania Lectures discussion will center on the nuanced topic of moral imperatives, examining whether they are universally applicable or contextually specific. Philosophical traditions have historically identified certain moral principles as universal, unchanged by varying circumstances. However, there are also those moral imperatives that, while universal in essence, adapt in practice depending on specific situations and societal expectations. Beyond these, some moral imperatives are entirely contingent on the context in which they arise. Has the advent of moral relativism dismissed the ideas of universal morals? At the event we will try to reevaluate what we consider universal and what is seen as relative, as well as the need for a deeper reassessment of our collective moral constructs.

Dr Sebastian Morello is a philosopher, writer, lecturer and public speaker. He studied philosophy and was trained by Sir Roger Scruton. He is the author of The World as God's Icon (Angelico, 2020), which explores the Neoplatonic themes in the thought of Thomas Aquinas, and Conservatism and Grace (Routledge, 2023), a work of political philosophy. He is also a contributing author of numerous books on philosophy, history, liturgy, and education. He works as Senior Editor, Editorial Board Member, and writer at The European Conservative, a journal of political and cultural criticism. 

Moderator: János Simon, theologist, lecturer at the Protestant Theological Institute of Kolozsvár/Cluj-Napoca.

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